Our Reflections

A little good news is all you need

2 min read

Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.

The month of hope.

Did you know April is the month of hope? It was news to me, but I thought I found the perfect topic while researching. I have Chronic Optimism Syndrome, so I am on a mission to brighten up your day!

Reading good news brings hope.

It is scientifically proven that reading good news has positive psychological effects. But even more, sharing them. The studies tell us that ‘discussing positive experiences leads to heightened well-being, increased overall life satisfaction, and even more energy’.

This is quite surprising. If you think about it, we tend to be reluctant to share our good fortune, fear of being called a show-off maybe? Or we may feel guilty that good things are happening to us in the face of the suffering that other people are going through. A sense of guilt invaded me whilst writing this article considering what’s going on in the world.

But when the world feels dark, it’s so important we recognise the moments of light.

Despite all the challenges we all must face as part of navigating life, there is always space for good things, and they need to be shared. Telling people about our happiness has greater benefits than just remembering it or writing it down for ourselves. 

Sharing good news

To practice what I preach, I’m going to take it to the next level and share my good news with you.

My highlight for 2022 is joining the Mind Of My Own community. I call it a community and not a workplace because to me a community is a place where you can bond with people around shared values and feel united towards a greater purpose. In our case, what glues us together is caring for the well-being of children and young people.

Mind Of My Own was born to empower young people and children and give them a chance to have a voice. It is a safe space where they can express their feelings, wishes and values… and guess what? There is also a “Share my good news” scenario where they can record their happy memories and share them with whom they want, when they want.

Some young people or children using our digital tools might not have someone who reminds them of their happy memories, so reading their good news (as stated by child psychiatrist Dr Jonathan Nehrer) can also act as a coping mechanism for any negative issues they may be going through.

Put simply, sharing our joy, increases joy.

What makes you feel hopeful? Let us know!