How do I get and use the One app?

If you are a young person, One app is for you – not for adults such as your workers, parents or carers.

Download from an app store:

Google Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sixteen25.momo

Apple App store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mind-of-my-own/id726944594

Or use a web browser with this link:

https://one.mindofmyown.org.uk/ Hit the ‘sign up button’.

Do I need an email address to get the One app?

If you are a young person needing an email address then we recommend Outlook (for anyone) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-com/ or Gmail (if you’re 13+) https://mail.google.com/

Young Person One Walkthrough from Mind Of My Own on Vimeo.


I'm having trouble logging in

If you’re having trouble using the Google Playstore or Apple App store app, try using the web version instead at https://one.mindofmyown.org.uk  If you’re still not getting access, try resetting your password. Click here https://one.mindofmyown.org.uk/forgot-password and enter your email address. If you have a One account Mind Of My Own will send you a password reset email. Follow the email’s instructions.

If you don’t receive an email in your inbox or spam folder then it means that email address is not in use on a Mind Of My Own account. Check if you signed up with a different email address or spelled it differently.

How do I use One app with my worker or other person?

Use One app with a worker or carer to make it easier to talk about difficult things, or to help you get things off your chest. It’s up to you what you want to say.

You can use it on your own, then review what you’ve said with your worker. Or you can fill it in with them next to you.

Can I try a demo version?

If your organisation hasn’t yet joined Mind Of My Own then you can try a Demo Mind Of My Own account. Sign up for a demo account here https://one-demo.mindofmyown.org.uk/


How does my child access the One app?

They can download and sign up for the One app on Google Playstore or Apple App store, or use it online.

Your child will need an email address to sign up for a One app account.

Can I try a demo version?

Try a Demo One App. Sign up for a demo young person’s account here https://one-demo.mindofmyown.org.uk/


How do my young people and I access the One app?

All young people can have their own One app account. Download the app for Android, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sixteen25.momo iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mind-of-my-own/id726944594 or use it online https://one.mindofmyown.org.uk/.

If your organisation hasn’t joined Mind Of My Own then contact us https://mindofmyown.org.uk/contact/ to find out more

Can I try a demo version?

If your organisation hasn’t yet joined Mind Of My Own then you can try a Demo Mind Of My Own account. Sign up for a demo account here https://one-demo.mindofmyown.org.uk/

How do I access Express?

Express is accessible for children and young people to use alongside an adult worker, where an organisation has subscribed to Mind Of My Own.

If you organisation hasn’t subscribed to Express then contact us to get a subscription.

I have another question – can you help me?

Of course. Please email your specific question to hello@mindofmyown.org.uk and we will get back to you very shortly.