Inclusive app that empowers young people to participate in their lives and communicate their views to a trusted adult

Any child or young person who can read simple language is able to use One app. It is available as an app or via a web browser.
One app is visual, with simple pictures and child-friendly words, designed for children and young people to share experiences, feelings and views on topics that reflect important moments in their lives.
It is a safe digital space where young people can be confident that their information is private and secure.
The app helps practitioners understand young people better, saves them time and ensures views are evidenced. You can respond quickly and effectively to the wishes and needs of the child, in turn supporting early intervention, positive wellbeing and timely safeguarding.
One app drives improvements to service delivery. By capturing children and young people’s needs, your organisation can identify improvement areas in the service being delivered.

How does it help your practice?
Provides rich, real-time data
Creates evidence to transform practice and build resilient services
Pinpoints all young people feeling unsafe, scared or unhappy
Easy to integrate with management systems
Reduces paper work
Adds authentic information to the young person’s records, in their own words
Strengths-based features that identify risk and resilience factors
Captures young people’s lived experience
Initiates important conversations
How it works?
Young people sign up for an account.
They write their views, wishes, and feelings.
They choose who they want to send it to.
Children’s views are stored in a secure portal where it can be viewed, downloaded, and reported on.
Each practitioner has their own account where they can read and reply to what young people have sent to them.