Child-friendly surveys built from co-produced question bank

You need answers – we design consultations that children respond to. SHOUT surveys are simple and tailored, with a quick turnaround so you receive data you can use and act upon.
Whether your organisation is a school, youth service, social or health service, SHOUT is the answer to your consultation needs.
Designed to help you understand and act upon what children and young people are saying about their needs, and their candid evaluations of your services.
Choose from a bank of co-produced questions on a range of topics including identity, wellbeing, safety, education, service improvement and much more.
Key Features
Affordable surveys
Analysis of findings in a comprehensive report
Raw data download
Appealing data visuals
Inclusive of all accessibility needs
100+ languages
GDPR compliant
Safe and secure for children and young people
Comprehensive question bank
Co-produced with children and young people
Turn Words Into Action
SHOUT Pro takes your survey evidence to the next level by including children and young people as improvement partners.
Mind Of My Own will deliver a tailored workshop with selected children and young people to co-design your next steps in driving change and transforming practice.

SHOUT Pro will support in facilitating co-production sessions with young people or practitioners to gather meaningful insights for developing the survey.
This is the 360-degree view you need to demonstrate to inspectors, apply for funding opportunities, write impact assessments and allocate limited resources to drive improvements.
Let’s find the best package for your organisation | 03300 579 575
SHOUT Casestudy

Get Started Today
- Tell us your requirements
- We send a question bank and order form
- Select your questions or provide your own
- We build your survey
- Survey goes live!
- Survey closes
- We compile your report
- Access your raw data
- Use your findings
How Practitioners are using SHOUT

“I love the empathetic interface.”
Kelly, 16 yrs, London Borough
“My motivation is knowing that my views will make change happen.”
Hassan, 15 yrs, London Borough

SHOUT: Our Ten Top Tips
Our new survey tool SHOUT went live this year and the time is right to share some of our learnings. In the short time that we have been offering SHOUT, we have learnt a great deal about how to maximise the responses from young people. Creating SHOUT surveys is not just a matter of asking questions. Many different factors add up to making SHOUT a success.

Some Examples Of Using Shout
Children’s legal rights in Hungary, Romania and France, potentially to be extended to Belgium and Netherlands.
Young people’s lived experience of using specific services in Australia.
Peer on peer sexual abuse – a local authority in England, which attracted over 600 responses.
Pupils’ understanding of Relationships, Social and Health Education (RSHE)