Children’s voices lead the way in Wales’ Child Protection reform.
A review, led by Care Inspectorate Wales, will seek the views of children and young people across the country to identify good practice which have supported and promoted children’s safety as well as identifying whether any improvements could be made. The goal is to ensure that the child protection system in Wales is effective, efficient, and as responsive as possible to the needs of children and their families. The review will examine various practices, including the effectiveness of multi-agency working, the quality of social work practice, and the experiences of children, young people, and families. One way they are seeking children’s and families’ views is by using our SHOUT surveys. SHOUT is an accessible survey tool that offers text-to-speech and customisable accessibility features and is available in more than 100 languages, in addition to Welsh and English.
The objective
The key objective is to assess to what extent do the current structures and processes in Wales ensure children’s names are appropriately placed on, and removed from, the Child Protection Register.
Overall, the review is an essential step towards ensuring that Wales has a child protection system that is fit for purpose and responsive to the needs of children and young people. By placing children’s voices at the heart of the process, Care Inspectorate Wales sends a clear message that children’s views and experiences matter and that their rights must be respected and protected.
The findings from the review will help inform policy and practice development across the sector.
If you are looking to complete the survey, please select the following link relevant for you: