Product Updates

Empowering Professionals: How My Best Life Enhances Support

2 min read
It’s been 18 months since we started building My Best Life alongside Together for Children, Sunderland. Our newest product directs people to their entitlements, resources, local events and support services in one inclusive, accessible platform. It is a digital ‘single source of truth’ that provides up-to-date, tailored information based on the community’s needs.
We’re continuously learning from people using it in the community and hearing about its utility, value and features to build on. 
It’s easy to forget how far it’s come in a relatively short space of time. Our partnership with TfC has highlighted these key components to its success in enabling teams to focus on the important task of supporting children, young people and families in their community.

Real Impact and Positive Feedback

The success of My Best Life is evident in the growing number of users and positive feedback from the community. Families appreciate the convenience and comprehensiveness of having a single source of truth for local support. One mother shared:

“I 100% use this daily as it means I can save time and not be ringing around every one or walking my toddler down to see if the family hub is open. I can see what is happening from the comfort of my own home.”

Another highlighted the platform’s comprehensive resource hub:

“It’s very difficult when something is that traumatic to just show up somewhere and say I need help. I want to be in the comfort of my own home when trying to get help. If there are resources on My Best Life that I could navigate to this would be much better as being a young parent with mental health difficulties I find that that’s much better doing it from home as its a source of support that I can use discreetly and anonymously.”

Hearing these stories and getting a deep understanding of what people need continuously drives innovation and improvement in My Best Life.

User-Centred Development

My Best Life has been developed through rigorous co-production with young people, families, parents, carers and professionals, ensuring that the platform is tailored to meet real-world needs and pain points. Continuous feedback loops have allowed for ongoing enhancements, making My Best Life a dynamic and responsive tool. Traditional websites often lack this degree of user engagement and awareness in their development processes.

Comprehensive and Localised Information

Unlike traditional signposting websites, “My Best Life” offers a fully customisable and localised experience. Information remains current and relevant to the community it serves. Users can find tailored information and support services quickly and efficiently, eliminating the frustration often associated with navigating outdated or irrelevant resources on traditional websites.

Efficient Management for Staff

The platform significantly reduces the administrative burden on administrators. With My Best Life’s booking system, feedback mechanism and content automation tools, organisations can make data-informed commissioning decisions as well as significantly reduce administration time.

My Best Life helps professionals work smarter; freeing them up to spend more precious time with children and families. We’re continuously iterating and improving My Best Life alongside our Local Authority partners. Get in touch to find out more.