Introducing Oranga Tamariki
We are delighted to be working with the newly formed Oranga Tamariki – the Ministry that provides care and protection and youth justice services to children and young people in New Zealand. Their name means ‘health and wellbeing of children’ in Maori and the organisation came into being on the 1 April 2017.
One of the founding principles of Oranga Tamariki is that tamariki’s (children’s) views should be central to decision-making and that the best interests of children and young people are acted upon. This is where Mind of my own/Mind Of My Own comes in.
The New Zealand trial
After travelling 12,500 miles we received a traditional warm New Zealand welcome to kick off a trial of the One and Express apps in two social work teams. The trial is set within Oranga Tamariki in Auckland, with one team in Otahuhu and the other in Grey Lynn.
Over the next eight weeks the UK team will be working closely with our link people from Oranga Tamariki to ensure a full implementation. Individual workers will be supported by weekly catch-up calls with a UK team member.
Young people more involved
At the end of the trial we aim to provide evidence that Mind of my own has enabled the voice of children and young people to be heard and their views acted upon.
Kia ora is a traditional Maori greeting

New Zealand