Child Centered Practices, Participation

How Mind Of My Own Digital Tools Support The Lundy Model Of Participation

2 min read

The Lundy model of participation offers a robust framework for understanding how children’s rights, particularly the right to be heard, can be realised effectively.

Lundy Model

Rooted in Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the Lundy model emphasises four key elements: Space, Voice, Audience, and Influence. These components ensure that children are not only allowed to express their views but that their views are taken seriously and acted upon. We believe our digital participation tools align with and support all elements of the Lundy model of participation:

Space: Creating a Comfortable and Private Environment

One of the fundamental aspects of the Lundy model is providing a space where children feel comfortable and safe to express their views. Mind Of My Own apps excel in this area by being accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device. This flexibility allows young people to choose a space where they feel most at ease, whether it’s their bedroom, a quiet corner at school, or any other environment where they feel secure and private. By removing physical and temporal barriers, the apps create an inclusive space that respects the child’s need for a comfortable and private environment.

Voice: Ensuring Accessible and Youth-Friendly Communication

The second element, Voice, focuses on the child’s ability to express their views, wishes, and feelings in a manner that is accessible and meaningful to them. Mind Of My Own tools are co-designed with children and young people, ensuring that the design, layout, and tone of the apps are user-friendly and engaging. This co-design process ensures that the apps resonate with young users, making it easier for them to articulate their thoughts on a wide range of topics that impact their lives. By prioritizing accessibility and relevance, the apps empower young people to find and use their voice effectively.

Audience: Being Heard by a Trusted Practitioner

The Lundy model stresses the importance of having a receptive audience who listens to the child’s views. When a young person uses Mind Of My Own to communicate their thoughts, their views are sent directly to a trusted practitioner. This immediate and direct line of communication ensures that the child’s voice reaches someone who is in a position to respond meaningfully. Furthermore, the child receives a personalized acknowledgment, reinforcing that their input has been heard and valued. This step is crucial in validating the child’s experience and ensuring they feel genuinely listened to.

Influence: Acting on the Child’s Views

The final component, Influence, is about ensuring that the child’s views have a tangible impact on decision-making processes. Mind Of My Own supports this by enabling practitioners to take concrete actions based on the child’s expressed views. Whether it’s arranging a meeting, organizing an intervention, or communicating directly with the child, these actions demonstrate that the child’s input has influenced decisions affecting their lives. This not only empowers the child but also reinforces their right to be involved in matters that concern them, as stipulated in Article 12 of the UNCRC.

Through thoughtful design and implementation, Mind Of My Own empowers young people to actively participate in their own lives and the decisions that shape their futures. By creating a private and comfortable space, ensuring the tools are accessible and youth-friendly, providing a direct line to a trusted audience, and enabling practitioners to act on the child’s views, our apps bring the principles of the Lundy model to life.