Our Reflections

Waves And Emotions

2 min read

Embracing diversity

Last week I went to the surf film festival in Ericeira and I watched Waterman. Waterman is about the life of one of the greatest surfers and swimmers in history, Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku. It explores the role of sports in breaking societal barriers – and celebrates his triumphs and philosophy of inclusion, challenging us all to embrace diversity and incorporate Aloha into our own lives.

The negative effect of suppressing feelings and emotions.

Duke found refuge from his life problems in surfing and swimming. Being a person of colour meant he was discriminated against in 1920 and had to prove himself harder than the rest of his peers. His way of dealing with or coping with being mistreated was suppressing his emotions and feelings. Suppressing emotions can negatively affect our mental well-being, affecting our relationships, communication skills, stress levels and more. We as human beings are wired for connection, and not to express ourselves is going against our biology. Giving ourselves permission to feel is an incredibly powerful thing. It can help us get better at regulating and accepting our emotions.

The benefits of connecting with our emotions.

Getting in touch with your emotions can help with emotional regulation. Regulating your emotions involves being able to recognise, manage, and respond to emotions as they come.

Here are some tips that can help you connect with your emotions:

  • Write out your feelings
  • Check in with your mental health daily
  • Lean in and accept your emotions
  • Shift negative thoughts and emotions
  • Reach out when needed

As Duke, I too share a passion for the sea and whenever I need to dig deep inside me, being close to the sea makes me connect with my true self and brings me inner peace. I have found journaling to be very effective too.

Mind Of My Own digital tools offer a safe digital space for children and young people to share their feelings and emotions. Navigating different topics, they can record memories, feelings, wishes and emotions and share them with an adult they trust in a safe way.

I just wish there was a Mind of My Own for adults, maybe it’s in the making?

And you, how do you connect with your emotions?

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