Our Reflections

The November report: week 1

2 min read

This is the first of four posts reporting on the highlights of working life for the Mind Of my Own team over a typical month.

Off with a bang

November went off with a bang, starting with the monthly team meeting where we all catch up, review our progress and reflect together. Every team meeting is packed with lively debate and action, giving us fresh momentum as the trusted apps for children and young people, promoting the voices of lived experience.

Action learning

The management team held its first action learning set on the theme of leadership. So many people follow Mind Of My Own and we are mindful of our responsibilities as leaders in the quest to develop truly child centred communities.

Ethics and digital technology

At the Charity Technology conference, organised by Civil Society, Yvonne joined the panel to answer audience questions about ethics and digital technology. Questions were raised about GDPR, inclusivity and accessibility by design and whether charities should make their code open source. Read Twitter commentary about the day here

Unusual induction

Later in the week we cemented our welcome to new co-production associate, Monica Amanfo by conducting her unusual induction among the inspiring sculptures at the Antony Gormley exhibition. Monica had previously joined the team in the summer on work experience. A big Mind Of My Own welcome to Monica!

Visits, calls, presentations

Visits, calls, presentations with our wonderful and fast-growing community, as usual filled the rest of the week, ending with Amanda’s visit to York for their kick-off meeting. We are delighted that York has joined us and wish them good luck in their first phase of implementation.

Monica’s induction at the Royal Academy among the sculptures.

More highlights to come, including the team in Paris and Helsinki. Be sure to catch the next blog post in this series!