Protection through participation

This May we gathered in Manchester for #Voxcon2024, our annual conference for England and Wales. It was a truly fantastic day with our community coming together to reflect and fuel our passion for supporting children and young people.
Jenny Turnross from Liverpool Children’s Services delivered a powerful talk on the importance of lived experience in service improvement. Lads Like Us inspired us with their message, urging practitioners to remain curious and empathetic, while Sean Monahan, Director of SaferNow provoked deep thoughts about prioritising young people in safety planning.
A huge thank you to all who attended, participated, and spoke, and congratulations to our award winners. Your presence made the day truly special.
And stay tuned Scotland… we’ll be seeing you in the autumn!
Our VOXCON Award Winners 2024
Standout Organisation
The High Flyer Award
The Extra Mile Award
Greatest Champion
Most Improved
Lifetime Achievement
Highlights of the day!
Photo credits: Zobia Ahmed
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Find out more about our products

One app encourages young people to participate at key points in their lives by communicating their views to a trusted practitioner involved in their care.

Express will help you ensure that the views, wishes and feelings of young children and those with additional needs are heard and included.

Xchange is the first digital participation tool to facilitate the authentic voices of young people using youth justice services.

SHOUT provides child-friendly surveys and consultations on a wide range of topics, built from a co-produced question bank.
SHOUT consultations in social care settings have illuminated the views of populations of young people on diverse topics including peer-on-peer abuse, attitudes and behaviour around drugs, alcohol and identity.