Design, Innovation & Technology

Together we want to improve children’s services

Together we want to improve children's services and you can help us! Mind Of My Own has partnered with What Works in Children's Social Care (WWCSC)to find out from young people what the issues are for them in improving services and practice.

< 1 min read
Design, Innovation & Technology, Product Updates

Tech4Good awards 2019

This year's Tech4Good awards are hotting up, with a whole new group of amazing innovators hoping to be among the finalists.

2 min read

Not to be missed by anyone working with children and young people, our final blog in the trilogy on internet safety is by guest author Dave Miles from Parentzone.

2 min read
Design, Innovation & Technology

Three top tips to be safe online

It’s no secret that privacy statements are often overlooked but understanding how an app or company stores and potentially shares your data is important and you need to know where your data goes.

2 min read
Design, Innovation & Technology

Safe online

In the first of a series of three blog posts on internet safety, Scarlett Cinotti, one of the Mind Of My Own business development team, introduces some of the underlying principles.

2 min read
Design, Innovation & Technology, Product Updates

Mind of My Own: Tech4Good Winner!

Last week, Yvonne, Amanda, Scarlett, and Hunter got dressed up and made their way to the BT tower. We had been nominated for a Community Impact award at AbilityNet’s Tech4Good Awards.

2 min read