If your work is related to Scottish social care you will likely already have had lengthy discussions about The-Promise.
Minding Yer Promise: How we empower Children’s Digital Participation in Scotland
Children need a stable placement
Children need stable placement, yet during 2018-2019, around 5,800 children and young people in placement experienced unplanned endings and almost a third of those were moved within 24 hours.
Our children
Please, please take time to read this short blog, about the current and future state of our children's health, safety and wellbeing.
Happy New Year!
Despite all the difficulties 2020 brought, here at Mind Of My Own we managed to achieve a lot and we wanted to share the key moments with you.
TOP TIPS for engaging children with additional needs
Sue Hollywood is the registered manager of Broad Park House which provides residential short breaks to children aged 3-18 with learning disabilities and additional needs.
Beware: Social Media Messaging Services
A new report by the children’s commissioner has found that 60% of 8-year olds and 90% of 12-year olds use some sort of social media messaging service, such as Facebook and WhatsApp...