Our Reflections

A positive, mindful 2022

At the start of every year, many of us find ourselves wondering how to keep the New Year's resolutions we've set for ourselves. It's well-known that the gym crowds surge in January, only to thin out again by mid-February.

3 min read
Our Reflections

A time to be thankful

ith all the things going on in the world right now it is easy to forget that for the lucky ones among us Christmas is a time, above all else, to be thankful for what we have.

2 min read
Our Reflections

The Barrow report

As a children’s services organisation with a growing community, we want to use our platform to promote a resource to keep us all informed about what is in the news in our sector.

< 1 min read

All you need is love by the Beatles, like any music, can transport us to a moment in our lives, a moment in history, for me, it is my wedding day, when I tried to re-enact the ‘Love Actually’ moment in the film.

4 min read
Child Centered Practices, Our Reflections

All You Need is Love

Love - showing a child they are loved - is the foundation of a positive childhood. Young people have the right to be loved and positive, loving relationships form the basis that enable children to develop and thrive throughout their lives.

2 min read
Child Centered Practices, Education, Our Reflections

The Wonder of Wellbeing

Wellbeing will look and feel different for us all. Inviting individuals to share what wellbeing means to them will support schools and organisations to collectively create a clearly defined wellbeing community...

3 min read