Cultural identity is enshrined in the Children Act 1989, which promotes the view that all children and their parents should be considered as individuals and that family structures...

2 min read
How to use Mind Of My Own, Our Reflections

Why VoxCon 2021 was more than a week of workshops

The whole is bigger than the sum of its parts. Yes, it's that concept that the whole is bigger than the sum of its parts.

2 min read
Awareness, Child Centered Practices, Our Reflections

How we celebrated Social Work Week 2021

Last week care workers from across the UK came together to celebrate #SocialWorkWeek2021.

2 min read

I am talking about children with complex additional needs. In the past I have managed many services for children with complex additional needs and I know that each and every one of them had their own thoughts, opinions, wishes and feelings.

3 min read
Our Reflections

Happy New Year!

Despite all the difficulties 2020 brought, here at Mind Of My Own we managed to achieve a lot and we wanted to share the key moments with you.

< 1 min read
Child Centered Practices, Our Reflections, Product Updates

Beware: Social Media Messaging Services

A new report by the children’s commissioner has found that 60% of 8-year olds and 90% of 12-year olds use some sort of social media messaging service, such as Facebook and WhatsApp...

< 1 min read