Minding Yer Promise: How Digital Participation Drives Smart Services
Technology goes beyond mere tool making; it is a process of creating ever more powerful technology using the tools from the previous round of innovation.
Life Story Work: Me In My Own Words
Life story work is an essential social work intervention, particularly for children in care. Inspectorates recognise the importance of life story work and this is seen widely in their judgements.
Participation fundamentals
Sheila Bates, the children’s champion within participation team services writes that in Coventry children’s services their vision is that children and young people are at the heart of everything they do.
Breaking down barriers to meaningful participation
During Covid, our community has found new and creative ways to interact with the children and young people for whom they offer care and support.
Included And Safe
A year ago we started to think about our users, exploring ways we could use the apps to make young people feel safer and more included.
Children’s participation in court decisions
I am a social worker in a safeguarding team in the north west of England and would like to share my recent experiences of how Mind Of My Own apps have supported my practice and made for much stronger...