As restrictions ease, local authorities and other organisations are reviewing the information security implications of practices adopted in the early days of lockdown.
Sensing wellbeing
The five senses - sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste - are our link to the world around us. They are essential for our enjoyment of many experiences, such as eating a meal or taking a walk in a nearby park.
Better home-learning during lockdown
My Online Schooling is an online school that offers a full-time English Curriculum-led education to children all over the world.
Accessibility by design
Have you ever thought how you deliver a digital service or indeed any service that is accessible to as many children and young people as possible?
Information security for the new normal: 3 Staying in touch
The third and final in this series of blog posts looks at some of the risks and benefits of working in new ways with children and young people.
Information security for the new normal: 2 Videoconferencing
Another increase in cyber crime involves attacks on videoconferencing. The reason for this is simply that practically all businesses and schools across the world have switched to home working and schooling.