In the bustling world, we live in, amidst the noise of technology and the demands of daily life, the art of deep listening is increasingly hard to come by in our daily conversations and interactions.
Mānawatia a Matariki – Happy Matariki!
As we celebrate this Matariki, let's take a moment to empower and uplift our rangatahi, for they hold the power to transform not only their own lives, but also our collective futures.
July marks Disability Pride Month
July marks Disability Pride Month an annual, worldwide event celebrating disabled and chronically ill people and their many contributions to our world.
10,000 Children’s Voices
What do ten thousand even children look like? It’s about 385 school classes of children or 143 double-decker buses filled with children.
June: Pride Month
This month we celebrate Pride: a time when communities around the world come together to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community.
Technology for empowering young people with learning disabilities
Communication is a fundamental challenge for people with such a disability, making it difficult for one to express feelings and needs to those around them.