New Zealand & Australia, Our Reflections

Mānawatia a Matariki – Happy Matariki!

2 min read

In the vastness of the June/July night sky, Aotearoa New Zealand’s Matariki cluster, also known as Pleiades, illuminates the heavens, heralding the beginning of the Māori New Year. This celestial event not only carries cultural significance but also serves as a profound reminder of the importance of amplifying the voices of rangatahi, our young people. In a world where change and progress are crucial, harnessing the power of rangatahi voices is paramount in shaping a brighter future.

Matariki – Cultural Significance

Matariki is a significant event in Māori culture, symbolising new beginnings, reflections, remembrance and connections with the past. Traditionally, it marks the end of the harvest season and signals a time for whanau/families to come together to celebrate, share pūrakau/stories, honour ancestors who have passed and plan for the future. The nine stars of Matariki each represent unique attributes, encompassing qualities like leadership, creativity and wisdom, serving as a wellspring of inspiration for rangatahi today.

Rangatahi: Catalysts for Positive Change

Throughout history, rangatahi/young people have always played a pivotal role in societal progress, challenging norms, and driving transformative change. They embody a driving force for progress with their fresh perspectives, unwavering passion and fearlessness determination. When we elevate rangatahi voices through active participation in decision-making processes, they contribute to the creation of an inclusive, innovative and sustainable society.

Fostering Creativity and Innovation

Young minds possess a natural inclination toward creativity and innovation. They are truth-tellers with unencumbered imaginations that hold the key to unlocking solutions to complex problems. By giving rangatahi a platform for their ideas and opinions, we create environments that foster innovation, encouraging ‘out of the box’ perspectives. Our rangatahi draw inspiration from their heritage as they passionately seek to make a positive difference. They’ll challenge outdated systems, advocate for equality and raise awareness on issues that matter, motivating others to take action.

Inclusive Decision-Making and Validation

Imagine the impact of inclusive decision-making processes that involve rangatahi/young people in discussions that directly affect their lives. By valuing and actively seeking their input, we ensure that decisions are relevant, effective and appropriate. Listening to rangatahi shows our respect for their opinions, boosts self-confidence and encourages personal growth. Engaging in meaningful dialogue and being heard validates their experiences, ideas and perspectives, fueling motivation to further develop skills, knowledge and leadership qualities while nurturing a sense of importance and identity.

Looking Back to Shape the Future

Matariki, with its celestial beauty and cultural significance, reminds us of the wisdom of looking back to look forward. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of empowering young people to have a voice in shaping the world they inhabit. By recognising and valuing the insight and passion of rangatahi, we create a space where they will flourish, and make positive contributions to the world. Amplifying rangatahi voices fosters innovation, drives social change, builds more inclusive communities and nurtures self-esteem and self-belief.

As we celebrate this Matariki, let’s take a moment to empower and uplift our rangatahi, for they hold the power to transform not only their own lives, but also our collective futures.  By nurturing their voices, we can shape a brighter, more equitable and sustainable world for us all.  Let the essence of Matariki inspire us to embrace the powerful potential of our young people and foster a society where their voices are heard, respected and valued.

Manawatia a Matariki!