Case Studies, How to use Mind Of My Own

Minding Yer Promise: Children should never be hard to reach.

Mind Of My Own’s goal is to empower all young people the opportunity to have their voices heard. According to Scotland’s Care Review ‘The Promise’ “Services must be easy to access and must always try harder and be more creative in their listening”

3 min read

During Covid, our community has found new and creative ways to interact with the children and young people for whom they offer care and support.

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Case Studies, How to use Mind Of My Own

Hearing from workers

We love that the voices of children and young people are present in the way we build our apps.

2 min read

By the Bridge fostering have been a customer since January this year frequently hearing the views, wishes and feelings of young people in their foster placements.

2 min read
Case Studies, Expert Insights

Safe, secure and thriving in their foster family

We are lucky to work with some fantastic organisations and recently started working with By the Bridge fostering, who went live on the 27January this year.

3 min read

This summer we partnered with the Drive Forward Foundation to offer a week of work experience to a talented young woman called Monica.

2 min read