Last week I saw the headline that thousands more cases of child sexual abuse had been uncovered

< 1 min read
Design, Innovation & Technology, Product Updates

What’s In A Name?

Mind Of My Own’s Worker Account is essentially a digital space for people who work directly or closely with children and young people.

2 min read

The number of children in the criminal justice system has dropped significantly over the past 15 years. According to the National Audit Office, the average number of young people in custody fell by 73% in the decade up to 2021.

2 min read
Product Updates

Xchange for youth justice

For so long we have wanted to welcome youth justice services into our community. Co-directors Yvonne and Jill have worked with young people in and around the youth justice space...

< 1 min read
Participation, Product Updates

Hear the unheard voices

Every child has the right to have their voice heard but how well do we uphold this right for children and young people in youth justice?

3 min read
New Zealand & Australia, Product Updates

Launch of of our apps in Māori

Here at Mind Of My Own we recently attended an hour long session on Māori language and culture as part of our efforts to understand more about the people and culture of New Zealand (also known as Aotearoa).

2 min read