Child Centered Practices, How to use Mind Of My Own

Certainty In An Uncertain World

2 min read

Mind Of My Own works with over 400 services across the UK, Europe and Australasia. Local Authorities, schools and residential agencies make up a large part of our thriving community of Practitioners passionate about placing the voice of the child at the heart of frontline practice.

Stretched staff and limited resources

Our ambition is to positively influence practice; from effective early intervention to child-led Child Protection, and to give SEN and neurodiverse children a voice in the classroom. We want our technology to help young people share what is important to them with trusted adults who are there to support them.

We are in the privileged position of having a ‘bird’s eye view’ of children’s services across the UK. We’re plugged into some amazing work that is changing practice for the better, but we’re also acutely aware of the challenges so many Organisations are currently facing in the wake of the pandemic. High staff turnover, limited resources, increasing caseloads and less and less time to ‘do the job’ are challenges we hear about from our community on a daily basis.

Stability in an uncertain world

Many young people using our apps say that the familiarity of the design and functionality of Mind Of My Own is a great source of comfort. Young people have in their pocket a way for them to share what is important to them at any given time, a crucial platform especially when relationships with their Workers may be transient or constantly changing. It could be one of the only stable things they have in their lives, and they have the opportunity to influence the decisions affecting them, at a time where the child’s view could be drowned out against the backdrop of operational challenges faced by many Organisations.

Building their own life story

The ‘This is Me’ feature on the One app enables young people to explore their sense of self. They can quickly share how they feel about their hobbies and interests, but also gender, race and relationships. Many Organisations ensure they have one page ‘This is Me’ profiles for every young person they work with, as a basis to a trusted relationship. Crucially, young people aren’t having to have the same conversations with different people, asking the same questions. Simply sharing what is important to them in an accessible, light, interactive way and being safe in the knowledge it will live on their case file means young people are building their own life story, not repeating it each time they meet someone new.

Focussing stretched resources

The reduced paperwork associated with Mind Of My Own saves a frontline Practitioner a week and a half every year (read How Mind Of My Own apps help social workers to turn back time). At a time where services are stretched more than ever, embracing technology to free up frontline teams to focus on building meaningful, human relationships has become critical.

Mind Of My Own gives young people a secure line of communication to the adults supporting them at at time where face-to-face meetings and visits are harder to come by. Moreover, many organisations are doubling-down on the data that Mind Of My Own tells you about your young people. How do they feel about where they live? Their relationships? How do they feel most of the time? Having an acute understanding of the children who need extra support through using the Wellbeing features of our apps, means you can deploy precious resources where they are really needed.

To get a better understanding of how Mind Of My Own can support you and the young people you work with, please get in touch