Our Reflections, Product Updates

Not Superheroes but we will keep flying…

We are not superheroes, just a passionate and utterly determined team of people. We love what we do and because we know we make a massive difference in children’s lives...

3 min read
Our Reflections, Product Updates

A huge thank you from the whole team!

Firstly, everyone at Mind Of My Own would like to thank our community for all the wonderful messages of support and offers of help over the last few days.

2 min read
Our Reflections

New dawn for Mind Of My Own

Since last summer there has periodically been media coverage of the so-called 'momo challenge' that allegedly poses as a game in order to convince children to harm themselves.

< 1 min read
Our Reflections, Participation

Happy Hogmanay! Mind Of My Own in Scotland

As the Year of Young People 2018 has drawn to a close it's good to remember that young people's voices have been at the heart of the Year, since planning started in 2015.

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Following the success of the Voice of the Child seminar in Edinburgh earlier this year and with an ever-increasing footprint in Scotland, we had the pleasure of visiting our friends over in South Ayr and East Dumbarton.

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