A summary of Voxcon Glasgow 2023

< 1 min read

An artcile exploring emotional wellbeing in young people

2 min read
Our Reflections

The Story of Mind Of My Own

Every time a Mind Of My Own app is used, a practitioner or other trusted adult can discover something new, something they didn’t know before about the child.

< 1 min read
New Zealand & Australia, Our Reflections

Mānawatia a Matariki – Happy Matariki!

As we celebrate this Matariki, let's take a moment to empower and uplift our rangatahi, for they hold the power to transform not only their own lives, but also our collective futures. 

2 min read
Awareness, Child Centered Practices, Our Reflections

Why Our Unique Childhood Passions Matter

Mind Of My Own digital tools gives young people and children a chance to talk about their lived experiences and safely document their childhood.

2 min read

In today's digital world, where screens dominate our lives, the importance of human connection cannot be emphasised enough

2 min read