I have a confession: I have never been much good at looking after my own mental health. With a tendency from childhood to internalise problems and threats, the first indication that my emotional wellbeing...
Included And Safe
A year ago we started to think about our users, exploring ways we could use the apps to make young people feel safer and more included.
Focus on early help
Early intervention and early help are good for children, families and services which is why we should all be focussed on ensuring this works as well as possible.
Digital Inclusion
Digital inclusion is more important than ever right now. The pandemic and subsequent life changes have made many people reconsider their priorities and allowed people to pause and take a look at the world around them.
Happy times captured
A mindfulness project for young people had been on our to-do list for a while and the time seemed exactly right when the whole world began to change because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Safe care in fostering
In the past those who worked in fostering services often felt that understanding the views of children was the job of the child’s social worker and that their role was purely to support, train and monitor the foster carer.